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The Homecoming

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 9:38 am
by krmiller_usa
Quincannon looks up as the door to the tavern opens, a young lieutenant enters and holds the door for the older officer behind him and as the gray bearded general hangs his overcoat and hat on the wall he breaks into a smile.
“Begorrah, tis hisself.” He mutters, his face beaming.
Turning to the door to the back room he roars, “Mulcahy, go and fetch that keg from the storeroom I told you never to touch and be quick about it. The general has come home.”

As the officers inside turn at the shout they see the newcomer. A few of them smile and nod their heads as they recognize the graybearded face. One of the younger officers asks another, “Who is that ? I don’t think I’ve ever seen Quincannon look so excited.”

“I thought you were gone for good General.” Quincannon says as he strides over to the table. “The place hasn’t been the same since ye left.”

“You should know better than that sergeant. I just needed a rest and some time with the family. Now it’s time I came back here and gave these rebs a sample of His Terrible Swift Sword so I requested a return to the Shenandoah for the Blues and myself.”

As Mulcahy brings a keg to the general’s table, Quincannon asks, “Would the General like his usual ? I saved a keg of your private stock when you left just for this occasion.”

“That will be fine sergeant.” the general says. As Quincannon takes the keg and pours him a cupful he rises to his feet.

Turning to the room the general lifts his cup, “Gentlemen, I give you a toast, To the Army of the Shenandoah”.

As the others join him in the toast the general empties his cup, turns to Quincannon and tells him, “The next round is on me and the Allegheny Blues.
Tonite we celebrate, tomorrow we go to work."

Re: The Homecoming

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 8:51 pm
by RTHodge
Ah! Must be the year for the old timers...belly on up to the bar the General Miller. I'd like to buy you a round of the good stuff. "Sgt. Quinncannon! Bring General Miller whatever he fancies! " "Yes Sgt. You heard me right. Put it on my tab!"

If I'm not completely mistaken, I believe that General Thompson may be joining us soon. We still look familiar, but the years have worn on us, the goatee is a bit whiter, takes a while longer to get off the old warhorse, but I'm no worse for the wear.
Welcome back my old friend.

General Hodgkiss

Re: The Homecoming

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 11:26 am
by krmiller_usa
Gen. Hodgkiss,


Nice to see an old comrade, when I decided to return to duty I requested the AotS just for that reason.
We'll have a couple drinks and I will be in touch with you, would like to have you take a look at a project I'm working on.


Re: The Homecoming

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 12:20 am
by PAT

I hope I'm not too late for this party.

Good to be back.