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New Cadet: Ross Greenley

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 2:37 pm
by R. Greenley
Hello all!

I started gaming on an aircraft carrier (JFK) deployed to the Med. Perhaps has some smoke in my head when a friend pulled out a copy of Grenider and soloed the attack of the Union Brigade. I was hooked.

I had 2 g4 grandfathers in the civil war, both Union. With pride William Greenley was wounded at Pea Ridge, and with shame Peter Madox was with the Bloody 3rd at Sand Creek, this fellow ended up bush whacked and killed in Texas for a cart load of buffalo hides.

I have read a lot of Napoleon and the Civil War but not recently. Recommended read: Grant's autobiography evidently he had a ghost writer name of Sam Clemons.

Re: New Cadet: Ross Greenley

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 2:42 pm
by C. Hecht
Welcome aboard!

Re: New Cadet: Ross Greenley

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:39 pm
by Joe Meyer
Very glad to see you in here, Ross! And always a pleasure to see another old salt interested in the ACW! (I was honorably discharged in 1970. :shock: )

I see that the Superintendent, himself, has taken you in hand there at the academy. I'm sure that he'll provide you with as good a training as possible. But I must warn you that he occasionally likes to swipe things during barracks inspections, things like gloves, shoes and belts. He always defends this by stating that one should not have these things if one cannot properly take care of them. Then he turns around on the weekends and has his orderly sell them back to the cadets at Benny's! But I can solve that problem for you! :) Just give everything to me for safekeeping. I'll make certain that it is all, or something similar to it, returned to you in tiptop shape upon graduation day. And I can do this for a small fee, meanwhile providing you with more durable replacement garments and accoutrements scavenged from the battlefields! (It serves the academy well, too, in that they've only got that one set of cadet clothing, which every other cadet will have to wear at their graduation!)

Re: New Cadet: Ross Greenley

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 9:04 pm
by S. Eichelberger
Welcome, Ross! But be sure to keep a close hold of your wallet and uniform accoutrements whilst in this Canteen. These people are not to be trus---ah, I see you’ve already made the acquaintance of Gen. Meyer and Gen. Hecht! :-)

Very interesting to hear about your family connections to the ACW. Thanks for sharing those with us. We look forward to your graduation soon and subsequent exploits on the battlefield, sir!

Re: New Cadet: Ross Greenley

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 10:28 pm
by ernie sands
Welcome cadet Greenley.

Re: New Cadet: Ross Greenley

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 6:10 am
by M. Lichtenberg
Welcome to the club

Mark Lichtenberg
General, United States Volunteers
Army of the Cumberland

Re: New Cadet: Ross Greenley

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 7:38 am
by David Danner
Welcome sir, welcome. AND, watch your hide as some of these Rebel types might want to tan yours. Oh, bring great wadges of cash to the bar from now on, sir.

Re: New Cadet: Ross Greenley

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 8:42 pm
by R. Greenley
Thanks all for the welcome. This is looking to be a fun place.

Indeed! I will keep my wallet in my front pocket and will hold my mug and fork dearly.

Re: New Cadet: Ross Greenley

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 3:34 pm
by Blackrobe
Welcome to the Army Lt. Greenley! I am proud to make your acquaintance. I, like you am a recent grad of the academy. I too had an excellent instructor. Good luck finding a Reb to fight. It looks like these commanders have darn near finished off the Insurrectionists. My great, great relative died at Murfreesboro, TN.
If you ever want to engage in a maneuver just drop me a line at