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New Cadet: Brian Twist

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:16 am
by B. Twist
Greeting fellow Cadets:

A quick introduction.

I live in the UK, up in the North of the country. I have a partner and four children aged between one and thirteen. I work as a configuration engineer for a Japanese company based in the UK.

I discovered the John Tiller games only recently and quite by accident. I decided to take the plunge and bought the Campaign Gettysburg game. Since then I've added Shenandoah, Overland (and Waterloo) to my library. My friend and I have been doing a PBEM of the Battle of Gettysburg and the Campaign in Overland (what an amazing battle The Wildness is).
We've been scratching around blindly with the optional rules, trying to figure out how they work.
I've always enjoyed online strategy games, my current favorites being the Scourge of War series, Strategic Command: World War 2, Field of Glory 2... but the John Tiller games have quite literally taken over my time of late.
What has been a real treat with the JTS games is it has opened my eyes to so many Civil War battles I had very little knowledge of. It's been a great historical learning curve playing these games.

I look forward to my training and perhaps gaming with some of you in the future.

best wishes to all.

Re: New Cadet: Brian Twist

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 1:58 pm
by C. Hecht
Welcome Cadet, wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Re: New Cadet: Brian Twist

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 4:07 pm
by Joe Meyer
What a wonderful account of your introduction to the JTS Campaign series, an account similarly shared by a good number of us here! We feel that whilst there are other clubs and online entities out there that offer exciting and enjoyable hours of gaming, that few others can compare with the very engrossing, inclusive and captivating environment of the ACWGC. :)

The United Kingdom, you say! Ah, yes, we have a number of officers walking around in our taverns who call England their home. But, unfortunately, we also have our share of home grown miscreants who persist in trying to lead new cadets astray with tall tales and spirits on this tavern while they await an opportunity to unobtrusively lift a new item of clothing or accouterment. Such ill-gotten booty may then be sold or bartered for increased credit at the bar. This behavior is most closely associated with those of higher rank and position, such as General's Danner, Riggs, Lichtenberg, Osborne, Sands, Dowling, Jensen, Mullins, Russo, Nelms, Lytwak, Mishurda, Sickbert, Hecht, Gross, Simms, Fantini, Dortch, assorted others who wear the stars and, yes, even Eichelberger! You will note that I do not include myself in this list, remaining one of your few, trustworthy sources of information. :D

Here, my friend, this drink is on me! My, that's a nice shako you have there! :mrgreen:

Re: New Cadet: Brian Twist

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 4:40 pm
by ernie sands
B. Twist wrote:Greeting fellow Cadets:

I discovered the John Tiller games only recently and quite by accident. I decided to take the plunge and bought the Campaign Gettysburg game.
You mentioned you "discovered" JTS games How did you discover them? We are always looking for new ways to have more members!

Welcome aboard.

Re: New Cadet: Brian Twist

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 6:47 pm
by David Danner
Welcome Cadet Twist. You are in for a great ride with these games--enjoy. Oh, I spent some wonderful days in Haultwhistle a while back. A great B&B at the old Vickerage.

Re: New Cadet: Brian Twist

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:28 pm
by S. Eichelberger
Welcome to the ranks of noble-hearted officers in blue defending these United States, Cadet Twist! “Those people” we face are devilishly clever and not to be trusted. They will take advantage of you at every turn, so you must attend to your studies to be well prepared against their sly, devious ways. But enough about Generals Meyer and Danner. Enjoy your time here in the Canteen and…say, those are awfully nice epaulets you’re wearing…

Re: New Cadet: Brian Twist

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 4:56 am
by M. Lichtenberg

Mark Lichtenberg
General, United States Volunteers
Army of the Cumberland

Re: New Cadet: Brian Twist

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 3:30 pm
by Pete Russo
Cadet Twist, Salute!

Welcome to the Union army.....

Lt.General Pete Russo
Army of the Tennessee

Re: New Cadet: Brian Twist

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:23 pm
by B. Twist
Gentlemen, Sirs... thank you for the welcome. I look forward to getting to know you all better.

Re: New Cadet: Brian Twist

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:36 pm
by B. Twist
ernie sands wrote:
B. Twist wrote:Greeting fellow Cadets:

You mentioned you "discovered" JTS games How did you discover them? We are always looking for new ways to have more members!

Welcome aboard.
General, quite by accident, Sir. I'd never heard of the JTS games until a few weeks ago when a glancing mention of them in an online article piqued my interest. I took a look around the Tiller site and really liked the look of the new updated Civil War games. The nice 3D graphics caught my eye - have never been able to get any kind of immersion from counter-based digital wargames.
I took the plunge and bought Gettysburg, then Overland, then Shenandoah and have been having a blast PBEM with a friend.