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Cadet Dukeman reporting as ordered

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 12:09 am
by R. Dukeman

Cadet Ryan Dukeman reporting for duty!

I am a 43 year old residing in Michigan, but do not let that number lull you into doubt. I can still hold a rifle straight and I can aim straighter. Upon the hearing from some dear friends of mine that they are joining the army to fight, I was in line to sign up at once! Imagine my disappointment, however, when I was told that my training would not be finished in time to join the effort that is at this moment making it's move towards Richmond, Virginia to put a stop to this war. I did so wish to fight, but one of the other cadets heard it from a courier who heard it from one of General McDowell's aides who said the army commanders are anticipating a quick fight down there and this whole affair shall end in just a few months. Although bittersweet, I do wholeheartedly believe this to be truth. It is fact that once they see the glorious might of our nation's finest, those rebels would be fools to press on. Just one or two volleys from our lines and those boys will be running home to their families, I guarantee. I even hear that there are citizens traveling down alongside the army to witness the action. How grand it would be to see first hand this rebellion utterly destroyed! Alas, I am stuck here to finish out my training. But my enthusiasm does not waver! I will be proud to wear the blue uniform and help maintain peace and order as our nation once again restores itself to full glory. I will do my part to assist in erasing this event so as to prevent history from ever looking back upon it as our darkest hour.

Re: Cadet Dukeman reporting as ordered

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 7:44 am
by M. Lichtenberg
Cadet Dukeman,

Welcome to the cause.


Mark Lichtenberg
General, United States Volunteers
Army of the Cumberland

Re: Cadet Dukeman reporting as ordered

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 9:22 am
by S. Eichelberger
Ryan, great to have you with us. Be sure to converse with each of the fine officers here in the Tavern before you leave. For instance, General Nelms over in the corner there will regale you with stories about fighting his way back to friendly lines with nothing but a rusty spoon and a mule after being surrounded by Nathan Bedford Forrest – but only if you bring an extra bottle with you to his table. Good luck and enjoy your time the club!

Re: Cadet Dukeman reporting as ordered

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 11:04 am
by L. Drummond
Cadet Dukeman

Sir: Glad to see you made it, I was wondering about you back on the trail " When I met Ya! and you said " I'm gonna Join the Army". All I can do is tell ya to keep an eye on some of these wily old officers, and keep a tight rope on that haversack. Barkeep! Bring out your best bottle of "Redeye" for this fine young officer, and welcome to our little camp. Oh and don't give that battle across the Potomac a second thought! We have the finest army in the world and we will whoop-em!

Re: Cadet Dukeman reporting as ordered

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 2:15 pm
by C. Hecht
Welcome aboard Cadet Dukeman!
No need to worry, there will still be Rebels left even when we burn down Richmond. Those ladies South of the MD line just don't know when enough it enough.

Re: Cadet Dukeman reporting as ordered

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 4:21 pm
by Joe Meyer
Michigan, you say?!!! We've a few such in our ranks already, but there will always be room for more. This particular disturbance, cadet, has been going on since 1997, and we've still not gained a leg up on it. The rebels are a proud and obstinate set of people. It seems that no matter how hard we may knock them down, they bounce right back up ready for more. You will have no problem finding a battlefield worthy of your energies.

You might also expect to be minus a few articles of clothing or accoutrements as you go through your training and visits to these establishments. Many of our otherwise most successful officers deem it entirely allowable to pilfer a hat, pair of gloves, revolver, boots or sword from an unsuspecting cadet as he quaffs a few drinks at the bar! By the way, that's a very fine belt that your wearing . . .

Re: Cadet Dukeman reporting as ordered

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 6:55 pm
by David Danner
Welcome Ryan and your epilates will soon be weighted down with awards from what I hear from the Training Division. One bit of caution, many a good man has walked out of this Tavern busted by the likes of Generals Simms and Meyer. They can flim-flam you before lighting a cigar, so check your bar tab post haste.

Re: Cadet Dukeman reporting as ordered

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 10:00 pm
by ernie sands
Welcome aboard.

Re: Cadet Dukeman reporting as ordered

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:57 pm
by Michael Osborne
Welcome, sir. Where in Michigan are you from? I moved away years ago, but I was born and spent the first 37 years of my life in Elkhart, Indiana, just a few miles from the Michigan line. Actually have two ancestors who fought with 6th Michigan Cavalry -- with Custer & Alger -- in the civil war.

Re: Cadet Dukeman reporting as ordered

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 9:25 pm
by R. Dukeman
My apologies, gents. I was distracted by my current training action that I gave no thought to returning here and offering my gratitude for such a warm welcome. Thank you all. I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.

I currently reside in Battle Creek. I am unaware of any ancestors having fought in the war. Perhaps I should look that up at some point.
