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Cadet Frank Freeman reporting as ordered, Sirs

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 4:13 pm
by F. Freeman
Generals and Sirs,

It is with the deepest humility and the greatest respect for your past and future services, sacrifices and gloryful victories for our Union in battle, that I present myself as a cadet candidate. It is my sincerest wish that my services will bring victory on the field and camaraderie away from it.

Currently I am employed as Paramedic for a busy County 911 service near Houston, TX. My spouse (the real CIC) and I are planning on retiring in 2019 to the Texas Hill Country west of San Antonio where we have a hunting ranch. There I will begin my next career as “gentleman rancher”.

I am delighted to be here. God Speed to all of you. Until our next correspondence or chance meeting,

I am and always shall remain,
Your humble servant,

F. Freeman, Cadet

Re: Cadet Frank Freeman reporting as ordered, Sirs

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 2:51 pm
by Joe Meyer
Come over here, cadet, and buy me a beer! In case you haven't discovered it yet, we are all a set of incorrigible rascals, who dearly love to tease and trick new members to the Union Army. There! Did you see or feel that? :shock: I just lifted your gloves from your belt! I could have just as easily snatched your new hat, which you left on the rack by the door. Don't feel bad, I'm just preparing you for the glad handing that will shortly be coming your way. ;)

Texas, you say! NEVER HEARD OF IT!

Re: Cadet Frank Freeman reporting as ordered, Sirs

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 3:30 pm
by C. Hecht
Welcome to the club cadet Freeman, looking forward to you joining our ranks and I hope you get the chance to join the finest of all Union armies, the Army of the Potomac.
Your future contribution to our cause will surely be appreciated as we can always need more officers to put down the rebellion.
For now I wish you good luck for your graduation and for your upcoming battles.

Re: Cadet Frank Freeman reporting as ordered, Sirs

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 3:47 pm
by Michael Osborne
Congratulations, Cadet Freeman, on having the good sense to not follow your rebellious Texas brothers over the cliff of secession. Perhaps you will find your way to the Army of the Potomac, and if so, we will certainly welcome you heartily. But rest assured, you will find plenty of camaraderie, fighting spirit, and ultimately, battlefield success, as a member of any of the Union field armies. Best of luck to you, Cadet Freeman.

Re: Cadet Frank Freeman reporting as ordered, Sirs

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 4:20 pm
by ernie sands
Welcome aboard.

Re: Cadet Frank Freeman reporting as ordered, Sirs

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 4:51 pm
by Pete Russo
Sir, Salute!
and welcome to the club!

Lt.General Pete Russo
Army of the Tennessee

Re: Cadet Frank Freeman reporting as ordered, Sirs

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:17 pm
by nelmsm
Welcome Cadet Freeman! As a fellow Texan let me warn you about some of the scallawags that will come in hear and tell you the most outrageous lies to get you to buy them a drink. Now if you buy me a drink I'll give you a list of those so called Gentlemen to watch out for. I'll give you Ned Simms for free. When Ned gets to telling stories about old Moses parting the water for him, don't think it's one of his engineers building a pontoon bridge for him, no, he's talking about that Moses from the Bible. Think he made his first opposed water crossing on the Red Sea. Now if you pour a second one I'll tell you about the time me and Stonewall Jackson was arm wrestling out in the woods and he lost, and I mean lost. Don't believe all that balderdash the Rebs say about being shot by his own troops. Man was just too embarrassed to admit he finally got whupped at something.

Re: Cadet Frank Freeman reporting as ordered, Sirs

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:54 am
by Derald Riggs
Welcome to the Union Army.

Re: Cadet Frank Freeman reporting as ordered, Sirs

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 5:44 pm
by M. Lichtenberg
Welcome to the club. Houston is a fine city, I served there a few years in the late 80's. Both kids were born there.

Mark Lichtenberg
Lieutenant General, United States Volunteers
Army of the Cumberland

Re: Cadet Frank Freeman reporting as ordered, Sirs

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:48 am
by R. Sickbert

Welcome to the Union Army and to the ACWGC. It is great to have you with us.
