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Cadet Tinling reporting for duty.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 8:16 pm
by Steve Tinling
I'm sorry I've not been able to report before now. I'm more of a U.S.H Grant than a R. E. Lee sort of student and my instructor (Gen. Joseph Meyer) has kept me busy with homework. I look forward to future contests although I only have the BG series of games (2.01) through Matrix. Assuming I am able to graduate (after an expected loss at Blackburn's Ford), I will be happy to engage any fellow officers regardless of experience level.

Re: Cadet Tinling reporting for duty.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 8:28 pm
by Steve Tinling
See how poor a student I am! I lapsed into my old memory when I wrote U. H. S. Grant. I am aware that he was named Hiram Ulysses Grant with the S erroneously added for his mother's maiden name of Simpson and the letters switched in order as he was never known as Hiram. But being the type of student he was I get lazy and fail to edit my work. Now that I'm finally joining the club I'll have to start re-reading my small library of books covering the United States Civil War. I'm currently hip deep in Harper's Weekly. They were very verbose in their time. Probably didn't have Facebook.

Re: Cadet Tinling reporting for duty.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 10:25 pm
by Steve Tinling
Well, this is sad and lonely :( Here I sit at the tavern (alone I might add) nursing my single malt scotch. While I do not come from Eastern Seaboard aristocracy I learned sophistication at an early age, ergo the scotch. You would think other cadets from this year might arrive but I'm beginning to think I will call it a night. I haven't seen any of the general staff. I expect they're all at Willard's for the evening, the Mason Dixon tavern being below their consideration for a Saturday night in March. Probably planning some stupid advancement across the Rappahannock being too certain of themselves to even check the East Coast Geos satellite to discover a Nor'easter was on the way.

Re: Cadet Tinling reporting for duty.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 11:30 pm
by Dirk Gross
Welcome Cadet Tinling. I just returned from extended battle at Gettysburg after a three day fight. Good luck in your training!

Re: Cadet Tinling reporting for duty.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 12:07 am
by Steve Tinling
Thank you General Gross. I hope you were successful. If not, perhaps I can get leave to man the ramparts at one of the forts around Washington for surly Lee is on his way.

Re: Cadet Tinling reporting for duty.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 12:36 pm
by Michael Osborne
So if I'm a gin man, Cadet Tingling, what does that say about my socio-economic background & status? ;) And don't fret about the homework from General Meyer. You're not being singled out. General Meyer was my training instructor too. I've been an ACWGC member for perhaps eight years now and even recently ascended to command the Army of the Potomac.... and he is still giving me "homework" of one sort or another. :lol:

But seriously, you will find the Club and the Union Army a very welcoming, friendly, and supportive group. You will get from your Club involvement exactly as much as you put into it. The AotP has just undergone a consolidation and re-organization, and has benefited from the energy and enthusiasm of our recent recruits and returning veterans. We always have room for another recruit, but rest assured, you will find a great home, great cameraderie, and a great experience, in whatever Union field army to which you are assigned.

Welcome, Cadet Tingling.

Re: Cadet Tinling reporting for duty.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 2:33 pm
by Steve Tinling
First a thanks to Michael Osborne for his kind words and welcome and a salute considering his position in the chain of command. As a scientist let me see what I may deduce from his post.
Well, he states that he has recently ascended to command of the Army of the Potomac -- therefore his rank should be that of Major General. As for being a "gin man", in the United States that would cause the assumption that the individual is from the British Empire. They seem to be particularly fond of the taste of Juniper. As an aside, I neither care for the taste and find it a noxious landscaping plant although it is quite pleasant when its form and odor are mixed with the salt air along the coast of Monterey in California. Alternatively he either discovered the taste on his own or was introduced to the taste by a friend. In either case, as I know from my Latin studies here at the Academy: De gustibus non est disputandum. So, you are welcome to your gin and the pleasure it provides. One final note. General Osborne is either (a poor proofreader as am I), or perhaps his eyesight is failing, or his typing skills are a little rusty. "ing" comes very quickly to the fingers when typing so perhaps it is not surprising that he placed that extra "g" in the middle of my name. It has been happening to me from the time I first entered school. But Tinling is a venerable English name making it's fist appearance in the genealogical record back in the early 1700's with a pair of brothers on the Island of Majorca. From whom followed a long line of British Naval Officers one of which (my direct ancestor) settled on the Island of Barbados. But enough about me. Thanks General Osborne for the kind welcome. Steve

Edit to above post: Before my lack of observational skills are pointed out, I wish to say that when I first logged on and saw General Osborn's message only his name was present to the left and there were no flags or insignia. He clearly is a Lieutenant General. My memory was that commanders of Union Armies were Major Generals and that U. S. Grant was given the rank of Lieutenant General when he assumed command of the Army of the Potomac. So I conclude that that is the case for General Osborne. Why the flags and insignia did not show on my first login is a mystery for they are there now. Now I'm probably going to get a homework assignment on officer rankings relative to theater, group, etc. Can't I just re-polish my shoes? :?

Re: Cadet Tinling reporting for duty.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 4:53 pm
by ernie sands
Welcome Cadet Tinling

Re: Cadet Tinling reporting for duty.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:10 pm
by Derald Riggs
Welcome to the club and the Union Army. We look forward to you completing your training and joining us in the field soon.

Re: Cadet Tinling reporting for duty.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:12 pm
by M. Lichtenberg
Welcome Cadet Tinling, be sure to ask for a posting in the west - that's where the war will be won.

Mark Lichtenberg
Lieutenant General, United States Volunteers
Army of the Cumberland