American Civil War Game Club

American Civil War Game Club

The Union Army Library
School of Tactical Doctrine

The School of Tactical Doctrine relates information on all technical and tactical aspects of gameplay. Here, for instance, Federal officers can learn about the way the game engine calculates melee odds, and how to use this knowledge to their advantage, or about keeping their troops commanded and supplied. Especially junior officers should carefully review the material provided on these pages. Not only will it help them to perform better on the battlefield. By understanding how the game engine works, they will also be able to appreciate the consequences of their tactical decisions and thus avoid frustration and hopefully enhance their enjoyment.


1. General material

Comparison of the Battleground series with the Campaign series, Official Captured Document

Notes on the effective use of skirmishers in the HPS Civil War Battles System, by Gen. Antony Barlow

Battlefield Intelligence Methods for Battleground ACW Games, by Brig. Gen. Matt Perrenod

Variable Entry/Release Scenarios(Or Why Do My Men Always Arrive Late?), by Brig. Gen. Matt Perrenod


2. TS Battleground Series-related material

(Note: These articles apply in many a sense also for the HPS games. Where they don't, additional material will be added as soon as possible.)

Infantry Tactics, by Gen. Kelly Ross

Infantry Assault, by Maj.Gen. B.J. Horrocks

Cavalry Tactics, by Gen. Kelly Ross

Thoughts on Use of Cavalry and Their Value on the Battlefield, by Maj. Gen. Mike Tomlin

Artillery Tactics, by Gen. Kelly Ross

Artillery Tips, by Lt. Gen. Ross Sutton

Use of Leaders, by Gen. Kelly Ross

Battle Lines, by Gen. Kelly Ross

The 30 Degree Deviation, or Why is There Always Something Wrong With my Battle Lines?, by Gen. D.S. Walter

Firearm Explanation, by Gen. Jess Norris

The Night Assault in the BG System, by Lt. Gen. Ross Sutton

Recovering from Disruption, by Gen. Kelly Ross

Rallying Routed Units, by Gen. Kelly Ross

Managing Fatigue, by Brig. Gen. Luke Campbell

The Morale Check (or Why Do My Units Rout and Disrupt?), by Gen. Kelly Ross

Understanding Melee Odds, by Gen. Kelly Ross and Maj. Gen. Robert Breen

The Mass Melee and the 1,000 Men Blitz, by Brig. Gen. Luke Campbell

Getting the Most Out of Your Melees, by Gen. Kelly Ross

Five Things You Never Knew About Melees, by Gen. Kelly Ross

Managing Supply, by Gen. Kelly Ross

Brief Summary of the Optional Rules, by Gen. Kelly Ross and Brig. Gen. Luke Campbell

Ten Tips On Playing Norris Scenarios, by Gen. D.S. Walter


3. HPS Civil War Series-related material

Information Sources for HPS Games and FAQs, by Gen. Jeff Laub

The Power of Mixing Moves with Melees in the HPS Civil War Battles System, by Gen. Kelly Ross

Melee Combat in the HPS Civil War Battles System, by Gen. Kelly Ross

Make Those Rebels Run!, or The Power of the Flank Shot, by Gen. Kelly Ross

Managing Enemy Defensive Fire in HPS Civil War Games, by Col. Gary McClellan (War College Prize, II/2003)

Inducing Enemy Morale Checks with the HPS Engine: Spread Fire, or Concentrate It?, by Lt. Gen. Matt Perrenod

The Weak ZOC, Isolation and ZOC Kill in HPS Series Battles, by Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Laub (War College Prize, IV/2004)

Artillery Capture and Spiking Guns, by Col. Tom Ciampa



Site designed and maintained by D.S. Walter

Last updated07/18/2005