September, 2010, AotT Army Report

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Joe Meyer
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September, 2010, AotT Army Report

Post by Joe Meyer »

September 24, 2010
General Lars Wistedt
Western Theater Commander

General Wistedt,

It is my pleasure to present to you the September, 2010, Monthly Report of the Union Army of the Tennessee, and I beg your indulgence in the lateness of its submission. This officer was sorely handicapped in his computer capabilities for nearly all of the last two weeks.

At of this date this field army has attached to it a total of fifty-one officers: forty-three active, one currently assigned to the AotT Hospital, five to the detached Ninth Division, and two on Leave of Absence.

The army conducted its eighth Muster Call since its January re-organization this month with forty-three of the forty-four “available” officers responding, recording a 97% Muster Report return rate. This army continues to set the standard in responsive communications, each officer mindful of his duty and proud in carrying it out!

The detached Ninth Division currently lists five officers as Out-of-Contact: Brig. Gen. James Evans, Col. Bill Cassley, Maj. Wayne Luebbert, Lt. Victor Balaguer and Lt. David Earls. Attempts to contact all five officers regularly have been and will be continued regularly. Their temporary loss from the army’s ranks is personally felt and I am, of course, concerned for their actual welfare. There exist three brigade vacancies within the AotT OOB.

The one officer in the AotT Hospital, Lt. Abe Apfel, will have exceeded his limited time in that institution at the end of this current month, and requests for his official discharge from the ACWGC will be forwarded to you for approval.

Of the five AotT divisions turning in 100% Muster Returns, the following records have been noted. Brig. Gen. Steven Reuter’s Second Infantry Division, XV Corps, scored its eighth consecutive and overall effort, having not missed a 100% return since the army’s final re-organization in January of this year! Col. Steve Trauth’s Third (1st) Cavalry Division, XV Corps, turned in its third overall 100% effort. General Chuck Jensen’s First Infantry Division of the XVI Corps turned in its seventh, consecutive and overall 100% return. Col. John Sheffield’s Second Infantry Division, XVI Corps, and Brig. Gen. John Lytwak’s Third (2nd) Cavalry Division, XVI Corps, both recorded their sixth overall 100% Muster Returns.

For the two corps involved this was the fifth 100% Muster Return for Lt. Gen. Michael Dowling’s XVI Corps.

There were twenty-six AotT games ended in the month of August, twenty-five battles and one UMA training manuever. Five of the battles resulted in AotT Major Victories, all of them qualifying either in whole or in part for battlefield ribbons. There was one Minor Victory and six DRAWS. Our Rebel opponents, however, scored eleven Major and two Minor Victories against us. While certainly active upon the field of battle, this army has not yet found its true path to battlefield glory!

Lt. Col. Zafer Edjer scored a MV in HPSCG, #078, Meeting Engagement (Gettysburg). Brig. Gen. Pete Russo recorded a MV in HPSCA, #008, Rocky Face Ridge, and a second MV in HPSCP, ss_c1u1.scn 1, Savage Station. Lt. Col. Andreas Trommel earned a MV in HPSCN, #031, Antietam.

Brig. Gen. Stefan Reuter garnered part of a FMV MV at Mission Ridge in HPSCH. Lt. Col. Zafer Ejder scored the only mV; one at Perryville in HPSCH.

Brig. Gen. Pete Russo completed seven games in the month of August; while Lt. Col. Edjer and Brig. Gen. David Swartz each completed three games.

Maj. Gen. Dan Peterjohn, MP3CD, Ad9CoS, Total = 12 Points.
General Randy Hartwig, MP3CD, Ad8(CC), Total = 11 Points.
Col. Jeffrey McDonald, MP2CS, Ad3DC, Total = 5 Points.
Brig. Gen. Rick Trembley, MP1ES, Ad10(ATO), Total = 11 Points.
Lt. David Earls, NR, Total = 0 Points.
Lt.-Col. Michael Macnamara, MP1ES, Total = 0 Points.
Capt. Jason Fitch, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Brig. Gen. Richard Orris, MP1ES, Total = 0 Points.
SECOND DIVISION (“Eagle Division” Honor Guard)
Brig. Gen. Stefan Reuter, MP3CD, Ad4DC, Total = 7 points.
Lt. Gen. Ed Lytwak, MP3CD, Total = 3 Points.
Brig. Gen. Paul Brennan, MP3CD, Total = 3 Points.
Maj. Gen. Joe Bukal, MP3ED, Total = 2 Points.
Brig. Gen. Pete Russo, MP2CS, Aw9, Total = 11 Points.
Lt. Col. Gabriel Szala, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Maj. Gen. Gary McClellan, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
THIRD DIVISION (“Eagle Division” Honor Guard)
Lt.-Col. Steve Trauth, MP3CD, Ad4DC, Total = 7 Points.
Col. Dan Macnamara, MP1EB, Total = 0 Points.
Col. Antonio Aitala, MP3CD, Total = 3 Points.
Lt. Gen. Ian Miller, MP2ED, Total = 1 Points.
Maj. Gen. Chuck Berdanier, MP1EB, Total = 0 Points.
Col. Charles Babb, MP3CD, Total = 3 Points.

Lieutenant General Michael Dowling, MP3CD, Ad6CC, Total = 9 Points.
FIRST DIVISION (“Eagle Division” Honor Guard)
Gen. Chuck Jensen, MP2CS, Ad5DC, Total = 7 Points.
Col. Joseph Alberti, MP1EB, Total = 0 Points.
Gen. Frank Mullins, MP2ES, CP5 (mod work), Total = 7 Points.
Gen. Kelly Ross, MP1EB, Total = 0 Points.
Col. Robert Hovey, MP1EB, Total = 0 Points.
Capt. Andreas Trommel, MP2CS, Aw2, Total = 4 Points.
Lt. Roberto Sanchez, MP2ES, Total = 1 Point.
SECOND DIVISION (“Eagle Division” Honor Guard)
Col. John Sheffield, MP3CD, Ad5DC, Total = 8 Points.
Lt.-Col. Neal Carney, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Lt. Gen. Bob Hughes, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Lt. Col.. Ray Matthews, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Maj. Gen. John Marchese, MP1ES, total = 0 Points.
Lt. Zafer Edjer, MP3ED, Aw7, Total = 9 Points.
Lt. Einar Jon Masson, MP3CD, Total = 3 Points.
THIRD DIVISION (“Eagle Divison” Honor Guard)
Brig. Gen. John Lytwak, MP3CS, Ad4DC = Total 7 Points.
Maj. Gen. Brent “Rock” Horrocks, MP1ES, Total = 1 Points.
Col. John Nash, MP1EB, Total = 0 Points.
Brig. Gen. David Swartz, MP1EB, Aw5, Total = 5 Points.
Lt. Ephraim Burton, MP1CB, Total = 1 Points.
Brig. Gen. Ken “Sir Muddy” Jones, MP1EB, Total = 0 Points.
Col. David Elkin, MP3CD, CP2 (Admin Staff), Total = 5 Points.

Lt. David Earls, MPNR, OUT-OF-CONTACT, Total = 0 Points.
Brig. James Evans, MPNR, OUT-OF-CONTACT, Total = 0 Points.
Maj. Wayne Luebbert, MPNR, OUT-OF-CONTACT, Total = 0 Points.
Col. Bill Cassely, MPNR, OUT-OF-CONTACT, Total = 0 Points.
Lt. Victor Balaguer, MPNR, OUT-OF-CONTACT, TOTAL = 0 Points.

Order of Points Displayed: Muster Points (MP), Administrative Points (Ad), Award Points (Aw), Conduct Points (CP)
Muster Points Report Key: NR (No Report), C (Conference Hall), E (E-mail Reply), B (Basic Report), S (Standard Report), D (Detailed Report)
Note: All Muster Reports made by indirect e-mail are devalued by 1 point.

The AotT website at has now generated over 1,000 hits and is linked with five separate WebRings, three of Civil War interest and two of computer gaming. According to the automatic statistics generated by the WebRing server, the AotT website has steadily climbed in all five rankings of the sites most visited from the particular WebRing. Of the 83 active Civil War WebRing sites, the AotT site is ranked # 3. In the Civil War Circuit WebRing the site is ranked # 16 of 85; and # 1 of 44 in the Union Army WebRing. The AotT site is ranked # 9 of 51 in the AllGames WebRing. There are no statistics published for the Wargamer’s Ring, but our site is prominently displayed.

I have also made efforts to submit forum posts at various online game venues promoting the ACWGC, hoping that this will generate a bit more interest for our club.

This concludes my report. I am, in all respects, courteously yours,
General Jos. C. Meyer, ACWGC UA
Commander, Union Army of the Tennessee

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