July, 2010, AotT Army Report

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Joe Meyer
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July, 2010, AotT Army Report

Post by Joe Meyer »

General Lars Wistedt
Western Theater Commander

General Wistedt,

It is my pleasure to present to you the July, 2010, Monthly Report of the Union Army of the Tennessee.

During June this field army had attached to it a total of fifty-three officers: forty-four active, three currently assigned to the AotT Hospital, three to the detached Ninth Division, and three on Leave of Absence. There were no new arrivals from the UMA, but one officer, Lt. Gen. Ian Miller returned from a Leave of Absence.

The army conducted its sixth Muster Call since its January re-organization this month with forty-two of the forty-four “available” officers responding, recording an 95% Muster Report return rate, a definite improvement over the previous month. While it appears that personal summer activities tend to normally reduce the overall response, I am very pleased with the increased administrative effort put forward by the corps and division commanders of this army in pursuing their responsibilities in regards to the army’s muster.

Lt. Col. Michael Macnamara and Maj. Wayne Luebbert reassumed their brigade commands, having re-established contact from the detached Ninth Division prior to the beginning of the month. The Ninth division currently lists three officers remaining Out-of-Contact: Col. Dan Macnamara, Col. Bill Cassley and Lt. Victor Balaguer. Attempts to contact all three officers were made twice during the month. As a result of those personnel dispositions the AotT now has two brigade vacancies within its OOB.

Two officers remain in the AoT Hospital for their third, full month: Brig. Gen. Dan Klein and Lt. Tom Gremmels. One officer begins his second month: Lt. Abe Apfel.

Four of the army’s six divisions turned in 100% Muster Returns. General Chuck Jensen’s First Infantry Division of the XVI Corps turned in its fifth, consecutive such effort. All three divisions of the XV Corps also recorded 100% Muster Returns, giving that corps its second overall sweep! Col. Steven Reuter’s Second Infantry Division scored its sixth, consecutive and overall effort, while Brig. Gen. Jeffrey McDonald’s First Infantry earned their fifth overall and Col. Steve Trauth’s Third (1st) Cavalry Division earned their second overall efforts.
Lt. Gen. Michael Dowling signaled his temporary absence from active service this month as he relocates both his family and business to new quarters. Maj. Gen. Peterjohn assumed the administrative command of the corps in his absence in addition to his normal duties as the AotT’s Chief of Staff.

There were twenty-one AotT games ended in the month of June, twenty battles and one manuever. Five of the battles resulted in AotT Major Victories, four of them qualifying for battlefield ribbons. AotT officers also scored two Minor Victories and nine DRAWS. Our Rebel opponents scored two Major and two Minor Victories against us. This marks a decided turn in the battlefield fortunes of the Army of the Tennessee, one that I believe will only gather more force and determination in the months to come.

Brig. Gen. Rick Trembley scored a 54-turn MV in HPSCG, Historical 1. Col. Robert Hovey recorded an MP MV in HPSCN, # 070 Warrenton Collision. Two of our newer officers, Maj. Zafer Ejder and Capt. Andreas Trommel each captured a Major Victory: HPSCG, #109 Entrenched along Pipe Creek; and HPSCH, #026 Murfreesboro, respectively!

Brig. Gen. Pete Russo forced a FMV MV at Booneville in HPSCO while Brig. Gen. Trembley also scored a mV at an unidentified HPSCA campaign battle. Lt. Gen. Ed Lytwak, former commander of this great army, scored a heavily fought mV, completing 69 turns in an HPSCCH, #026C contest.

In reviewing the DRAWN battles I was particularly impressed with the length of turns played, indicating a very sustained and hard fought effort by our officers.

Maj. Gen. Dan Peterjohn, MP3CS, Ad9CoS, Total = 12 Points.
General Randy Hartwig, MP3CD, Ad9(CC), Total = 12 Points.
FIRST DIVISION (“Eagle Division” Honor Guard)
Col. Jeffrey McDonald, MP2CS, Ad4DC, Total = 6 Points.
Brig. Gen. Rick Trembley, MP2ES, Aw2, Total = 3 Points.
Lt. David Earls, MP2ES, Total = 1 Points.
Lt.-Col. Michael Macnamara, MP2ES, Total = 1 Point.
Capt. Jason Fitch, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Capt. Chris Trog, MP2ES, Total = 1 Points.
Brig. Gen. Richard Orris, MP2ES, Total = 1 Point.
SECOND DIVISION (“Eagle Division” Honor Guard)
Col. Stefan Reuter, MP3CD, Ad4DC, Total = 7 points.
Lt. Gen. Ed Lytwak, MP3CD, Total = 3 Points.
Brig. Gen. Paul Brennan, MP3CD, Total = 3 Points.
Maj. Gen. Joe Bukal, MP3ED, Total = 2 Points.
Brig. Gen. Pete Russo, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Lt. Col. Gabriel Szala, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Maj. Gen. Gary McClellan, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
THIRD DIVISION (“Eagle Division” Honor Guard)
Lt.-Col. Steve Trauth, MP3CD, Ad4DCTotal = 7 Points.
Col. Antonio Aitala, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Brig. Gen. James Evans, MP2ES, Total = 1 Point.
Lt. Gen. Ian Miller, MP2ES, Total = 1 Point.
Maj. Gen. Chuck Berdanier, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Col. Charles Babb, MP3CD, Total = 3 Points.

Lieutenant General Michael Dowling, MP3CD, Ad5CC, Total = 8 Points.
FIRST DIVISION (“Eagle Division” Honor Guard)
Gen. Chuck Jensen, MP2CS, Ad5DC, Total = 7 Points.
Col. Joseph Alberti, MP1EB, Total = 0 Points.
Gen. Frank Mullins, MP1EB, CP5 (mod work), Total = 5 Points.
Gen. Kelly Ross, MP2ES, Total = 1 Points.
Col. Robert Hovey, MP1EB, Aw2, Total = 2 Points.
Capt. Andreas Trommel, MP3CD, Aw2, Total = 5 Points.
Lt. Roberto Sanchez, MP2ES, Total = 1 Point.
Col. John Sheffield, MP3CD, Ad4DC, Total = 7 Points.
Lt.-Col. Neal Carney, MP2CS, Ad1AAG, Total = 3 Points.
Lt. Gen. Bob Hughes, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Lt. Col.. Ray Matthews, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Maj. Gen. John Marchese, MPNR, total = 0 Points.
Maj. Zafer Edjer, MP3CD, Aw2, Total = 5 Points.
Brig. Gen. John Lytwak, MP3CS, Ad4DC = Total 7 Points.
Maj. Gen. Brent “Rock” Horrocks, MP1EB, Total = 0 Points.
Col. John Nash, MPNR, Total = 0 Points.
Brig. Gen. David Swartz, MP1EB, Total = 0 Points.
Maj. Wayne Luebbert, MPNR, Total = 0 Points.
Brig. Gen. Ken “Sir Muddy” Jones, MP1EB, Total = 0 Points.
Col. David Elkin, MP3CD, CP2 (Admin Staff), Total = 5 Points.

Col. Daniel Macnamara, MPNR, OUT-OF-CONTACT, Total = 0 Points.
Col. Bill Cassely, MPNR, OUT-OF-CONTACT, Total = 0 Points.
Lt. Victor Balaguer, MPNR, OUT-OF-CONTACT, TOTAL = 0 Points.

Order of Points Displayed: Muster Points (MP), Administrative Points (Ad), Award Points (Aw), Conduct Points (CP)
Muster Points Report Key: NR (No Report), C (Conference Hall), E (E-mail Reply), B (Basic Report), S (Standard Report), D (Detailed Report)
Note: All Muster Reports made by indirect e-mail are devalued by 1 point.

In other respects, the Army of the Tennessee activated its long awaited website in the month of June. Special mention is made of Lt. Col. Chris Trog, acting as the AotT’s representative on the Western Thunder planning committee. Col. Bill Cassely was awarded the Combat Badge prior to his unexplained absence from the AotT.

This concludes my report.

I am, in all respects, courteously yours,
General Jos. C. Meyer, ACWGC UA
Commander, Union Army of the Tennessee

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