May, 2010, AotT Report

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Joe Meyer
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May, 2010, AotT Report

Post by Joe Meyer »

General Lars Wistedt
Western Theater Commander

General Wistedt,

It is my pleasure to present to you the May, 2010, Monthly Report of the Union Army of the Tennessee.

During April this field army had attached to it a total of forty-six officers. Lt.’s Roberto Sanchez and Victor Balaguer reported for duty from the UMA.

The army conducted its fourth Muster Call since its January re-organization this month (May) with forty-five of the forty-six “available” officers responding, recording a 98% Muster Report return rate! Once again, the AotT has demonstrated an extremely healthy and responsive membership, an excellent tribute to the commitment and enthusiasm of its officers.

Lt. Abe Apfel remains as “Out-of-Contact,” assigned to the detached Ninth Division under my direct command. There has been no response from him at this time, and he will be transferred to the AotT Hospital if contact cannot be made by the end of the month. One other officer, Col. Daniel Macnamara has been placed within the Ninth Division, having failed to respond to this month’s Muster Call. Subsequent efforts will be made to re-establish contact with him twice a month until the end of August.

Two officers remain in the AoT Hospital for their first, full month: Brig. Gen. Dan Klein and Lt. Tom Gremmels.

The First and Second Infantry Divisions of the XV Corps earned their fourth, straight “Eagle Division” Honor Guard titles, each reaching a 100% Muster Return. As a result, the officers of each of these divisions will be awarded their first Meritorious Unit Citations. Twenty-two of the twenty-three "available" officers of the XV Corps turned in a Muster Response.

The Second Infantry Division and Third (2nd) Cavalry Division of the XVI Corps also earned their respective fourth, straight “Eagle Division” Honor Guard titles, reaching a 100% Muster Return. As a result, the officers of each of these two divisions will also be awarded their first Meritorious Unit Citations. The First Infantry Division earned its third, straight “Eagle Division” Honor Guard title! Twenty-two out of twenty-two "available" XVI Corps officers submitted Muster Reports, marking the third consecutive time that the entire corps has scored a 100% Muster Return!

There were thirty-three AotT games ended in the month of April, three of them maneuvers and two UMA Training games. Only two of the remaining twenty-eight games resulted in AotT Major Victories and neither of those qualified for an award. There were three AotT Minor Victories and eight Draws. Regrettably, our field forces suffered sixteen Major Defeats to Southern arms; however morale remains high over the promise of better things to come and experiences gained!

There were two Major Victories of less than 35-turns that qualified towards a FMV award. Brigadier General Paul Brennan recorded one in HPSCN, while Col. Steve Trauth recorded another in the HPSCV.

General Kelly Ross turned in a hard earned, 156-turn Minor Victory in HPSCG. Brigadier General Pete Russo added another Minor Victory to his record also in HPSCG. And Lieutenant Roberto Sanchez scored a Minor Victory in his UMA Training game.

Lieutenant Colonel Dave Elkin earned his “eagle” as a full colonel, and Ray Matthews earned his silver oak leaves as a lieutenant colonel. Major General Chuck Berdanier rejoin the active ranks in April coming off of an extended Leave of Absence. Lieutenant Colonel Neal Carney was appointed as the AotT’s Assistant Adjutant General. (AAG).

General Randy Hartwig, MP3CD, Ad8(CC), Total = 11 Points.
FIRST DIVISION (“Eagle Division” Honor Guard)
Brig. Gen. Jeffrey McDonald, MP2CS, Ad4DC, Total = 6 Points.
Brig. Gen. Rick Trembley, MP1ES, Ad10ATO, Total = 10 Points.
Lt. David Earls, MP1ES, Total = 0 Points.
Lt.-Col. Michael Macnamara, MP1ES, Total = 0 Point.
Maj. Jason Fitch, MP3CS, Total = 2 Points.
Lt. Col. Chris Trog, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Brig. Gen. Richard Orris, MP1EB, Total = 0 Point.
SECOND DIVISION (“Eagle Division” Honor Guard)
Col. Stefan Reuter, MP3CD, Ad4DC, Total = 7 points.
Lt. Gen. Ed Lytwak, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Brig. Gen. Paul Brennan, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Maj. Gen. Joe Bukal, MP3ED, Total = 2 Points.
Brig. Gen. Pete Russo, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Lt. Col. Gabriel Szala, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Maj. Gen. Gary McClellan, MP2CS, = Total = 2 Points.
Col. Antonio Aitala, MP3CD, Ad3DC, Total = 6 Points.
Col. John Sheffield, MP3CD, Total = 3 Points.
Col. Steve Trauth, MP3CD, Total = 3 Points.
Brig. Gen. James Evans, MP1CS, Total = 1 Point.
Col. Daniel Macnamara, MPNR, Total = 0 Points.
Maj. Gen. Chuck Berdanier, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Lt. Victor Balaguer, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Col. Charles Babb, MP3CS, Total = 2 Points.

Lieutenant General Michael Dowling, MP3CD, Ad6CC, Total = 9 Points.
FIRST DIVISION (“Eagle Division” Honor Guard)
Gen. Chuck Jensen, MP2CS, Ad5DC, Total = 7 Points.
Col. Joseph Alberti, MP1EB, Total = 0 Points.
Gen. Frank Mullins, MP1EB, CP5 (mod work), Total = 5 Points.
Gen. Kelly Ross, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Lt.-Col. Robert Hovey, MP3CD, Total = 3 Points.
Lt. Andreas Trommel, MP3CD, Total = 3 Points.
Lt. Roberto Sanchez, MP2ES, Total = 1 Point.
SECOND DIVISION (“Eagle Division” Honor Guard)
Maj. Gen. Dan Peterjohn, MP3CS, Ad5DC, Total = 8 Points.
Lt.-Col. Neal Carney, MP3CS, Ad1AAG, Total = 4 Points.
Lt. Gen. Bob Hughes, MP3CS, Total = 3 Points.
Lt. Col.. Ray Matthews, MP3CD, Total = 3 Points.
Maj. Gen. John Marchese, MP1EB, total = 0 Points.
Lt. Zafer Edjer, MP3CD, Total = 3 Points.
Col. Bill Cassely, MP1EB, Total = 0 Points.
THIRD DIVISION (“Eagle Division” Honor Guard)
Brig. Gen. John Lytwak, MP3CS, Ad5C = Total 8 Points.
Maj. Gen. Brent “Rock” Horrocks, MP1EB, Total = 0 Points.
Col. John Nash, MP3CD, Total = 3 Points.
Brig. Gen. David Swartz, MP1EB, Total = 0 Points.
Maj. Wayne Luebbert, MP2CS, Total = 2 Points.
Brig. Gen. Ken “Sir Muddy” Jones, MP1EB, Total = 0 Points.
Col. David Elkin, MP3CD, CP5 (Admin Staff), Total = 8 Points.

Lt. Abe Apfel, MPNR, OUT-OF-CONTACT, Total = 0 Points.

Order of Points Displayed: Muster Points (MP), Administrative Points (Ad), Award Points (Aw), Conduct Points (CP)
Muster Points Report Key: NR (No Report), C (Conference Hall), E (E-mail Reply), B (Basic Report), S (Standard Report), D (Detailed Report)
Note: All Muster Reports made by indirect e-mail are devalued by 1 point.

There are currently two, former AoT/AoO officers listed within the AotT Hospital, four officers listed as on Leave of Absence. Those within the Hospital are regularly contacted on a twice-per-month basis and have Posting Calls made for them within the MDT once-per-month, their stay in that establishment carefully monitored for the required, three-month period.

This concludes my report.

I am, in all respects, courteously yours,
General Jos. C. Meyer, ACWGC UA
Commander, Union Army of the Tennessee

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