Lt. Gen. Miller Awarded UA's Highest Medal!

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Joe Meyer
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Lt. Gen. Miller Awarded UA's Highest Medal!

Post by Joe Meyer »




Lieutenant General Ian Miller, outgoing Commander for 3(2Cav) Cavalry Division, XVI Corps, Army of the Tennessee, is awarded the Defender of the Union Medal and Ribbon for his outstanding service as an officer of the ACWGC Union Army. This medal is presented to him on the endorsed recommendation of General Dan Peterjohn, AotT AC, which reads in part:

"Lt. Gen. Miller has a long and distinguished record as a leader in the Union Army. He has served as a Division Commander in the Army of the Tennessee for two years, stepping forward to take command when his predecessor was elevated to XVI Corps Commander. During those two years Lt. Gen. Miller has established an unbroken string of 100% Musters for his division. He has always promptly moved to support and assist the members of his division when they experienced difficulties. Prior to accepting division command in the AotT, Lt. Gen. Miller served as IX Corps Commander for a period of almost three years in the Army of the Ohio. Lt. Gen. Miller's willingness to devote his time and energy to the betterment of our club has set the example for all members of the ACWGC. Lt. Gen. Miller's efforts are worthy of recognition as a true 'Defender of the Union.' "

I have personally known Lieutenanat General Ian Miller to be among the most dedicated, capable and dependable officers, having had the privilege of commanding him in the Army of the Tennessee. His long term command of the Army of the Ohio's IX Corps extended from February of 2003 through May of 2007. As a UMA Instructor, he has graduated six cadets into the ranks and is currently involved with his seventh. Ian's existing record dates back to March of 2002 with 59 recorded actions.

His own biography, as he gave it to me some years back, is far more colorful than as his ACWGC service. He graduated from a Northern Ireland high school in 1969 and got his engineering dregree in 1973. He worked there in a power plant, also becoming a member of the Ulster Defense Regiment as a part-time "squaddie" for two years. He returned to grad school in 1975 and took a TA (National Guard) commission in 1977. He continued his power plant engineering in 1979 and became a part-time officer in the North Irish Horse, an armored recon unit, becoming an captain in 1983. His engineering career and his young family took him out of the military side of things from 1985 on. He then later became affiliated with the AES Corporation, a major power plant developer located in the United States and was assigned to various locations around the world in the design and construction of new power plants.

From 1994 to 2005 Ian and his wife made Pennsylvania their home, and it was early on in that time frame that Ian emlisted in Co. K, 88th New York Volunteer re-enactors, indulging his early boyhood fascination with the American Civil War. The unit is now disbanded, but provided back up security for the New York National Guard during the attack on 9/11. Irish Sergeant Miller and his compatriots took over the security of the New York National Guard amory when that unit was called out for service at Ground Zero. Ian's actual living history efforts were undertaken with the Co. B of the 42nd Pennsylvania Volunteers re-enactors ("Bucktails") and continued after 2005 when he and his wife moved back to Northern Ireland to be near their children and parents. There he bacame part of the 28th Massachusetts re-enactors for another four years, finally giving it up as he recounted to me as becoming too fat and old for most field duty other than that of piper! (Of course in the middle of all of that he also became a member of the ACWGC!)

Lieutenant General Miller has announced his retirement from the club to be effective at the turn of the year. He will be missed.

The DOU is the General's first such award.

Present, ARMS!
Order, ARMS!

Please join me in saluting this fine officer for his service accomplishments!
General Jos. C. Meyer, ACWGC UA
Commander, Union Army of the Tennessee

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