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Army Reorganization NOV 2021

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 1:18 pm
by Jim Boling
Officers and Men of the Union Army!

I have today announced the immediate reorganization of Union Army as below:


20 November 2021


SUBJECT: FIELD CIRCULAR #1 – Army Organization / With Change Two

A. Paragraph 3.1.1, ACWGC Rules
D. Paragraph 3.2, ACWGC Rules
E. UA General Order #3 – Officer Assignments
F. UA General Order #5 – Organization of the Union Army

Effective 20 November2021, in accordance with References E and F, the Union Army is reorganized as:

1. Eastern Theater
Theater Commander (not appointed)
Army of the Potomac (Brig Gen Swartz)
I Corps, consisting of 5 Divisions of 8 Brigades
V Corps, consisting of 5 Divisions of 8 Brigades
The Army of the Shenandoah and its subordinate formations are deactivated. Deactivated organizations will retain lineage and honors for use in the event of reactivation.

2. Western Theater
Theater Commander (not appointed)
Army of the Tennessee (Lt Gen Newell)
XV Corps, consisting of 5 Divisions of 8 Brigades
XVI Corps, consisting of 5 Divisions of 8 Brigades
Army of the Cumberland and its subordinate formations are deactivated. Deactivated organizations will retain lineage and honors for use in the event of reactivation. 
3. Officer Reassignment. Army Commanders will reassign officers of deactivated units to positions within the remaining Army in the Theater.

4 Directed Assignments.

• General Sands will be appointed to Brigade Command within the Army of the Tennessee.

• Gen Dortch will be assigned to any position within the AotP as may be coordinated between himself and Lt Gen Sober.

5. Inter-Army Transfers. Officers who desire command appointments which are not available within their army of assignment may transfer to the other theater and army in order to accept a command posting. Army Commanders will coordinate directly with each other to maximize the assignments to command of those officers who desire such assignment.

6. Division Structure. Army commanders will seek to balance the strength and experience of divisions when restructuring these units. It is understood that brigades and divisions may be unmanned until sufficient officers are available to fill them, but no division will be organized with than three brigades.

7. Command Appointments. Army commanders will, at their discretion, appoint corps and division commanders for subordinate organizations. Army commanders will make note of the dates of command appointments for the purposes of future commendations and awards as appropriate.

8. Reports. Army Commanders will submit a by-name, by-assignment roster of all Army personnel to the General-in-Chief within 14 days of reorganization.