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JTS Sale in July!

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 10:31 pm
by ernie sands
News from JTS about a July sale, upcoming updates & free demos, and your final chance to migrate older HPS games over to the JTS version:

John Tiller Software would like to announce our upcoming sale. From July 1st - July 19th every title that has been out longer than 12 months will be on sale in our store for $29.95. No order minimums to receive the discount pricing. The only games not included in this are:
Japan '46
Campaign Shenandoah
Wellington's Peninsular War
Serbia '14

More Updates coming: Prior to the sale kicking off we plan on releasing updates for all three games in the First World War Campaigns series as well as Campaign Waterloo. So keep an eye on our site for those announcements. We also have a couple of new, free, demos for other series nearing the completion mark.

Closing remarks: And finally, we want to address the migration process for old HPS customers. We are closing the window on this offer, with June 30th being the last day to take advantage of it - so if you still have games to migrate to the JTS version contact soon. You can simply send a picture of your games, or I can find you in the HPS database if you bought directly from them.