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January, 2020 Report, Gen. J. C. Meyer

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 5:23 pm
by Joe Meyer
I have had my hands full these past two months with first a deluge of family matters and then most recently battling the flu. But I'm slowly getting back into the saddle and trying to get caught up with things. I've many e-mails to answer and reports to construct. I hope that those most affected by my absence will pardon my lack of communication.

I still have three contests underway.

My battle with Bob Weir at Atlanta continues its slow pace. Union forces are sorting and shaking themselves out as they arrive on the map and take up their assigned positions. I am looking hard to find good artillery positions from which I can bring damaging fire upon the defenses, but there are few places that offer such advantages. But I have plenty of time to do so. I'm also making certain to sweep some of the wooded areas I am passing by to prevent any hidden rebel cavalry from doing mischief. Casualties have been light, but concentrated in rebel horse and Union infantry.

At Champion Hill things have also been very slow. I'm afraid that Cam has managed to sneak some of his formidable cavalry behind my lines and I am not ideally suited to prevent his wrecking of my supply corrals! We have considerably slowed the pace of this contest. As the late afternoon of the first day heads into early evening the only action is counter-battery fire and duels. The game score remains a slight DRAW.

Steve Sober and I slowly continue our second Gettysburg the First Day maneuver.