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Reporting for duty

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 1:07 pm
by I. Spence
Fellow officers,

Allow me to introduce myself. I am a new recruit from far-off Scotland, joining you in your efforts to crush the rebellion.

It can't be denied that a fairly high number of Scots have joined the armies of the seditious south. I feel sorry for them in their misguided action. They have confused a voluntary union of proud States for the greater good with the absorption of their native country by the much-larger neighbour to the south of the British Isles, which came about because of bad investments by a few rich men. Rest assured that I will treat them with no greater leniency than any other rebel (I do not honour them with the use of a capital 'R').

To show the seriousness with which I view my task, I have forsworn strong liquor until the confederacy is soundly defeated. This will I hope have the added advantage of protecting me from nefarious fellows who might try to intoxicate me as a naive cadet and relieve me of my appealingly new uniform and equipment.

I could scarcely credit it when I heard rumours that fellow officers in our noble cause would try to take advantage of new recruits, perhaps away from home for the first time, by plying them with noxious brews and stripping them of any item of value. Do we really want our officers to go about like a regiment of Jackson's Valley Army, adorned in rags and with bare feet? If it be true that there are such officers within our ranks, then my pledge of sobriety will I trust spare me the indignity of falling into their clutches.

My interest in the period began with 1/72 scale plastic soldiers, many years ago. I later toyed with the idea of 5mm figures but they didn't appeal. I had a spell in the late 70s/ early 80s with Avalon Hill and West End Games covering Gettysburg, Shiloh, South Mountain, Chickamauga, my favourite being Lee Vs Grant.

Then other things took precedence for a few years...

We were thinking about buying a PC in the late 1990s, and I started going into computer game shops to see what was my delight I soon saw the Battleground series, and picked up Bull Run, Antietam, Shiloh, Gettysburg and Chickamauga at budget prices. Wargaming was back! I went a bit crazy, with titles like Age of Sail, Silent Hunter, European Air War, Eastern and Western Front, Napoleon in Russia, Waterloo etc. Later these mixed in with RPGs, FPS and TPS titles, and I'm currently enjoying riding the range in Red Dead Redemption 2. For a boy brought up in a time when the main TV channel showed a Western movie at prime time on Saturday evening, the game is a real treat.

The Battleground games didn't work on later pcs, so disappeared for a while; then I picked up a bundle on and tried them again, but I found the zoom pretty poor, the units were tiny, they reminded me of the 5mm troops from the 70s, and it was hard to feel involved.

I had scanned the JTS site a few times over the years, but was reluctant to take the plunge and shell out again, not knowing for sure what the graphics would be like. However, after reading a bio of Frederick the Great last year, I got really interested in the Seven Years War and took the plunge with the JTS game. Graphics better, I'd still like more zoom and bigger text, but that was it, I had a splurge in the December sale and picked up Renaissance, French-Indian Wars, Mexican-American Wars, Austerlitz and Wagram, and Shenandoah and Peninsula. There will be more to come. I'm keen to try Overland, to recreate Lee Vs Grant without having to find space to leave the board and counters lying about for weeks.

Well, that about covers the basics. Apologies if I have gone on at excessive length. I'm enjoying my induction with Lieutenant General Eichelberger, and hope to partake in many enjoyable encounters in the coming years.


Re: Reporting for duty

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 11:55 am
by S. Eichelberger
Welcome to the Union Army, Cadet Spence! Your vow to foreswear liquor until this damnable rebellion is put down brought tears to Gen. Sober's eyes -- literally. But be warned, I've spotted the unsteady gait of Gen. Meyer weaving his way across the Canteen toward your table...he appears to have already been heavily into his cups at this early hour, so be ready.

We're really glad to have you in our club, Ian. You will fit in perfectly with this lot, and make many a good friend across the MDL. Look forward to seeing you graduate soon and get posted to your first brigade command!


Re: Reporting for duty

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 12:21 pm
by Jim Boling
Cadet Spence:

Welcome to the Union Army and its most righteous cause!

I admire your foreswearance of spiritous liquors for the duration... yet I hasten to state that my admiration stops short of emulation!

Your extensive wargaming experience will allow you to rapidly master this contest.

I look forward to your exploits on the field of glory against our dastardly foe.

Most Sincerely:

Re: Reporting for duty

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 3:00 pm
by shsober
Cadet Pence, welcome to our cause. May your sojourn at the Academy meet your highest and best expectations. You are to be applauded for your vow of forbearance but I must tell you that it's likely you will be faced with a situation which may require your second thoughts. For that you may also be applauded.

In the meantime, please allow me to hoist a toast in your honor and in the spirit of brotherhood I would be happy to drink yours too. As I have said many times before, "Drinking is a Sober responsibility, and I take every opportunity to be more responsible."

Re: Reporting for duty

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 6:01 pm
by ernie sands
:mrgreen: :lol:

Re: Reporting for duty

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 7:13 pm
by David Danner
Cadet Spence:

I'm here to tell you sir that you will not last two weeks before you go on a bender. These Rebels are more than nefarious. They will take your lunch money and that's just the Rebels. Good stout Union men like Ned Simms and Mark Nelms will drink on your tab sir while shifting those wadges of new greenbacks from your pockets while leaving you at the mercy of the Provost Guard. So, on balance, welcome sir and have a great time.

Re: Reporting for duty

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 8:45 pm
by Joe Meyer
Now, now, now . . . what's all this blather about foregoing toddies? And from a Scotsman, too! I should say that this cadet bears close scrutiny as he makes his way through the academy. How did he come about those scurrilous stories regarding pilfering on my part? I am shocked, :shock: , shocked, I say, and most surprised :o that this cadet actually took the time to apprise himself of the rumors circulating about in this fine establishment!

But I see that you and I, Ian, have at least one thing in common! I, too, refuse to capitalize the word "rebel!"

Here, now, come with me to this table while I have the lovely Rachel bring us four of Benny's toddies. I know, I know, I won't have you drink any of them. But I will have Rachel place these three near enough so that you may smell that exquisite aroma steaming from those three while I sip the fourth. It's the rum in them that creates that smell and serves to relax your senses. Yes, that's the way! They do smell delicious! Now tell me. lad, which arm of the service do you favor? I'm an artillery man myself! And how are things in Scotland these days? And while you tell me all about it you might want to see how well those toddie mug handles fit your grip!

Re: Reporting for duty

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 11:24 am
by I. Spence
Many thanks to all for your warm welcome.

Although, curious..? Having reviewed my remarks I note that I did not mention any officers by name, and yet Mr Meyer appears to be taking some of my comments upon his own person. Is this significant?

Rum, you say? For the avoidance of doubt, I wish to make it clear that when I said I had forsworn strong liquors, I did not mean rum, which in Scotland is regarded as some genteel persons might treat a cup of weak tea. On campaign, a rum toddy is surely medicinal in any case, and may rightly be seen as a tonic after my long journey to the Academy. Rachel, four more!

On another matter, I trust you will find it acceptable if I wear my national dress, the kilt, in the mess, and in the manner of all true Scotsmen, without encumbrance?

I have a hankering to try my hand in the balloon service, but regrettably it is in its infancy. If the army should develop this unit, rest assured I would not attempt to climb into the basket while wearing the plaid!

Re: Reporting for duty

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 6:13 pm
by Joe Meyer
Well, as it turns out, Cadet Spence, a professor Lowe has just left my office promising me a test ascent in his aerial balloon. You are most welcome to join me if you can be released from your studies at the academy and score some fresh toddies. We should have ourselves a most interesting time of it, and I will be able to point out all of the best establishments in Washington City while we are up there: the War Department, the Capitol, Willard's Hotel, Pinkerton's Agency, General Danner's mansion and, of course, Madam Fleming's! :D

Re: Reporting for duty

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 1:08 pm
by I. Spence
If I may coin a phrase, 'up, up and away, in a beautiful balloon'. If I may coin another phrase, 'I can see for miles and miles'. And to coin a third, 'prepare for take-off!'

I fancy these might catch on as aerialism (if I may be so bold) becomes an accepted way to travel.

We could call the toddies part of the 'in-flight service'. And if one of us should perhaps partake of too many, why, all we need do is lean over the side a little as on a ship and let fly - always testing beforehand from which quarter the wind is blowing.