Union Army of the Tennessee
Muster Guide

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 ~ Promulgated as an AotT Army Circular, January 15th, 2010 ~
(Revised February 24th, 2018)
    This circular is offered as an easy-to-read guide for the monthly Muster process for Army of the Tennessee officers.

    All AotT officers are obligated by ACWGC Club Rule and Union Army Standing Orders to make a “Muster Report” once each month as a requirement of their membership. Your Muster Report serves as a statement that you are still active in the club!

    Mustering is the individual officer’s responsibility. It’s not your Division, Corps or Army Commander’s responsibility . . . it’s yours! No one has the time to dig through the Department of Records and examining your game record to see if you’re still active. No one has the time to be contacting your former opponents to find out if you’re there or not. It’s all up to you.

    Your report may be made in one of three ways: as a simple reply to your Division Commander’s E-mail Muster Call announcement; as a posting of your activities in any manner your wish in the Conference Hall of the AotT Eagle’s Perch Forum; or through the Department of Records ACWGC Muster, found in the Reports section.

    Conduct points are awarded for each officer's Muster Report: 3 points for a Conference Hall or DoR report of any kind; 2 points for an E-mail report which elaborates on your current status or game actions; and 1 point for a simple E-mail reply which merely states your presence.

    Here’s how it all works. On or about the 1st of each month, the Army Commander will signal the Corps Commanders to begin the “Muster Call.” The Corps Commanders will then make their individual Muster Reports in the Conference Hall and order the Division Commanders by E-mail to do the same. Once the Division Commanders have done so, they will E-mail the officers of their divisions to say that the “Muster Call” has been made. They will also direct their Brigade Officers to make their Muster Reports in any of the three ways described. All of this should occur before the 5th of each month.

    Brigade Officers should have their Muster Reports filed by the 15th of each month to facilitate Union Army Headquarters timelines. The Division Commanders will E-mail, once again, all those officers who are late and notify their Corps Commander of same.

    The Muster Report is a report of an officer’s activities of the month just ended. Therefore, as an example: the February “Muster Call” will be for a report of all of an officer’s January activities; and the June Muster Call will be for a report of all of an officer’s May activities!

    Mustering is considered an opportunity to stand with your fellow officers once each month and make recognition of a common interest and commitment. It’s just plain, good manners and a privilege! Where else do we as members of the ACWGC receive so much for so little in return? By making our own, individual Muster Report we are expressing that we are responsible as members of the club, that we have a common, shared interest, and that we acknowledge that same thing in our brother officers. WE ARE SALUTING EACH OTHER AND HAVING FUN IN THE PROCESS!

    Of course, there’s a very good, practical reason why we do this, too! Mustering is the mechanism by which we keep tabs on who's still around, or who is still active or not. We do that because we've an excellent, active and functioning roster and game record program that lies at the heart of the operation of the club's primary reason for existence...the sanctioned playing of these wonderful games with opponents who share the same motivations. All of us who are here now will someday leave by choice or circumstance. None of us will be here forever. When that happens, it should be known. Sometimes, however, an officer will simply walk away without notification or be unavoidably erased from active participation because of loss of financial support, family emergency, illness or death, or disinterest, etc. Mustering provides us with the means of the possibility of knowing when that happens.

    The club has suitable and considerate rules in place to deal with an officer who goes out of communication for whatever reason, or who feels that he doesn’t have to be responsible. These rules are all easily accessible at both the club’s main page and at Union Army Headquarters. The members of the AotT Command Staff are aware of these rules and are both obligated and prepared to follow them. The Union Army of the Tennessee develops a good portion of its character and camaraderie through its Mustering policies. An AotT officer takes the time to “STAND TO THE LINE” each month with his brother officers and say, “I’M HERE, TOO!”

Page designed and maintained by General Joseph Meyer
Last updated 24 February 2018